Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Updates?! Not so much..

It was a dark and stormy night in the smallish town of Wake Forest. It was just after midnight and the only sounds that could be heard were the rain spattering against the window, the leaves rustling  in the wind, and the whistle of the train in the distance. Most of the other seminarians were tucked snuggly into their beds as Bekah sat in fear. In the corner of her dark living room, she hovered in the soft glow of her Macbook and desperately tried to deny the inevitable. However, the calendar doesn't lie. It is time for her to face the truth and to realize that it, yes, IT, is here. IT is the Attack of the Syllabi! 2 exams in 2 weeks? Eh. Not so bad. 2 papers due in those same 2 weeks? A little tough, but not miserable. 1,394 pages to be read during said 2 weeks? Death! Murderous, heinous, unavoidable death!!!!! 

So, blogspot, I bid you adieu...until mid-October, that is. If you see me on here, slap me back into reality. I can run, I can hide, but I cannot avoid the Attack of the Syllabi.


  1. Don't wanna be a fool for you
    Just another player in your game for two
    You may hate me but it ain't no lie,
    Baby, bye, bye, bye...
    Don't really wanna make it tough,
    I just wanna tell you that I had enough.
    It might sound crazy,
    But it ain't no lie,
    Baby, bye, bye, bye

    (hand motions and fist-pumping bounces included)

  2. Love this :) Good luck with your studies!
